Chinmaya Mission milwaukee
The Dharma Sevak Course is a short-term Vedanta Course aimed at giving knowledge of Vedanta and training to sincere seekers and devotees and set them firmly on the spiritual path. The course gives clarity in the understanding of intensive spiritual practices. It is only when the inner personality of an individual is properly trained that hidden abilities and energies get channelised in a constructive way.  Such a person leads his or her own life with a balanced mind, intellectual poise and courage; such a person is able to contribute positively for the benefit of society. The Chinmaya Dharma Sevak Course covers different texts and as in any Chinmaya Mission scriptural course, students live the disciplined life of being in a modern gurukula. Eligible candidates should be below 65 years and in sound health. They should have a strong desire to study the scriptures and live a spiritual life, with sufficient grasp of English. Knowledge of Sanskrit is not a must.

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