Chinmaya Mission milwaukee

"The Dharma Sevak Course helps us refocus on the goal and purpose of life. It prepares us to rightly absorb Vedantic knowledge and live in solitude internally, no matter what duties we are fulfilling externally. Age is not a criterion here. It is all about an individual’s spiritual unfoldment."
- Brahmachari Prabodh Chaitanya, Chinmaya Mission San Jose

The Dharma Sevak Course is conducted in a Chinmaya Mission ashram at various times and places. Unless otherwise indicated, the course is taught in English. During the course, students live the simple, stress-free, and serene life of a disciple in a gurukula. In the ashram, students learn Vedanta through the integral practice of:

Jnana Yoga: the study of the Upanishads, Shrimad Bhagavad-gita and introductory Vedantic texts.

Bhakti Yoga: the study of devotional texts such as Ramayana or Shrimad Bhagavatam.

Karma Yoga: service in the ashram and growth in one's vision of dedicated service to the world.

"Study the scriptures seriously. Once you have their ideas in your mind, start putting them into practice through the various yogas of bhakti, karma, jnana, and so on. By all these methods, the mind becomes subtle. The subtler the mind, the greater and deeper is the study of the scriptures."
- Swami Chinmayananda

Other course highlights include:

• Guided meditation

• Group discussions on spiritual topics

• Vedic chanting

• Basic or advanced Sanskrit language classes and Spoken Sanskrit

• Guidance on how to be firmly grounded in spiritual practices like Meditation, Japa, Puja and Homa

• Celebration of auspicious occasions like Ganesh Chaturthi, Janmashtami and so on

• Advice on being a Chinmaya Mission sevak for Bala Vihar, Yuva Kendra, or Study Group

• Bond with the Global Chinmaya Mission Family through various activities

A brief but very significant part of the six-week Dharma Sevak Course is the opportunity to listen to discourses of Swami Tejomayananda, Head of Chinmaya Mission Worldwide. The scriptures point out that the company of Saints is unfailing.

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